Hakoniwagiken's original products are compatible with the following genres
HAKONIWA-GIKEN(hakoniwagiken) is a "small, small minimum brand" in Japan. The "HAKONIWA", it is the spirit of love miniature transmitted from the Edo period in Japan. "Let's enjoy thoroughly the diorama!". This is the ambition of HAKONIWA-GIKEN. The MONODUKURI, it is a manufacturing technology delicate dense Japan boasts.We will combine "HAKONIWA Spirit" with "Japanese MONODUKURI", that is "HAKONIWA-GIKEN".
Everyone, please cheer. Thank you.
ZIP 989-1258
58-1, Oyamadamatori, Ogawaramachi, Shibatagun
* We change the contact email address on an irregular basis as spam mails. When you inquiry, please check the latest e-mail address described here. Thank you.